(KEARNEY HUB) The Kearney Hub reports on an editorial regarding the Department of Natural Resources' upholding of its declaration that the Niobrara River basin is fully appropriated. "Now the battle for the future of the river presumably will shift to the Legislature, where a bill, LB438, is pending that would strip the department of the right to grant an in-stream flow right in a fully appropriated river." The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission earlier decided not to pursue, for now, an in-stream flow right in the Niobrara.
See more at: http://www.kearneyhub.com/news/opinion/article_7a9d9800-fbaf-11de-bf23-001cc4c03286.html.
See the language of LB 438, a carryover bill from last session, here:
Statement of Intent: http://nebraskalegislature.gov/FloorDocs/Current/PDF/SI/LB438.pdf.
Bill's language: http://nebraskalegislature.gov/FloorDocs/Current/PDF/Intro/LB438.pdf