(LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR) The Lincoln Journal Star reports, "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may have to repair potential seepage problems at flood-control dams in the Lincoln and Omaha areas. On Tuesday, the corps said potential problems exist along outlet conduits at Branched Oak, Holmes, Olive Creek, Wagon Train and Stagecoach lakes. They are part of 10 dams built by the corps in the Salt Creek watershed in the Lincoln area during the 1960s. The other five dams had no problems. The corps also is reviewing whether the embankment of the dam at Glenn Cunningham Lake in Omaha is damaged. 'These are not issues that present an immediate threat to anybody, and further studies are needed to determine if they are a threat at all,' said Steve Butler, dam safety program manager for the corps' Omaha District. He said the problems have been documented by the corps for years. Now, the corps is implementing a new dam safety classification system that uses a more centralized, risk-based approach to screen dams nationwide."
Read the article here.