(LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR) The Lincoln Journal Star reports, "A lengthy review of how the Missouri River system is managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be done with a backdrop of politics, special interests - and low confidence in the corps.
The $25 million, five-year study was authorized by Congress to determine whether changes need to be made in the 1944 law that sets eight purposes for the dams, reservoirs and lower free-flowing river: flood control, navigation, hydropower, irrigation, water supply, recreation, water quality, and fish and wildlife."
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The $25 million, five-year study was authorized by Congress to determine whether changes need to be made in the 1944 law that sets eight purposes for the dams, reservoirs and lower free-flowing river: flood control, navigation, hydropower, irrigation, water supply, recreation, water quality, and fish and wildlife."
Read the article by clicking the title above.