(KEARNEY HUB) The Kearney Hub reports "A 430-acre cornfield along the Platte River in northwest Phelps County is being studied as a possible site for a small reservoir from which timed releases of water could be made to augment streamflows.
“This is still very preliminary,” Dave Ford, Irrigation Division manager for Holdrege-based Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District, said as he stood at the edge of the cornfield with a map of the site.
It was the first stop on Tuesday’s Tri-Basin Natural Resources District water projects tour."
Read the article by clicking the title above.
“This is still very preliminary,” Dave Ford, Irrigation Division manager for Holdrege-based Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District, said as he stood at the edge of the cornfield with a map of the site.
It was the first stop on Tuesday’s Tri-Basin Natural Resources District water projects tour."
Read the article by clicking the title above.