(THE GRAND ISLAND INDEPENDENT) The Grand Island Independent reports, "Groundwater contaminated by degreasing solvents dumped at the former Heinzman Engineering irrigation company in the 1970s, is continuing to migrate under Grand Island.
Brad Vann, Superfund project manager from the Environmental Protection Agency's Kansas City, Kan., office said groundwater moves down gradient about 1.5 feet a day. It takes 10 years to move a mile.
In Grand Island, the gradient creates a west-to-east or west-to-northeast flow of groundwater carrying the industrial solvents tetrachloroethylene and 1,1-trichloroethane."
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Brad Vann, Superfund project manager from the Environmental Protection Agency's Kansas City, Kan., office said groundwater moves down gradient about 1.5 feet a day. It takes 10 years to move a mile.
In Grand Island, the gradient creates a west-to-east or west-to-northeast flow of groundwater carrying the industrial solvents tetrachloroethylene and 1,1-trichloroethane."
Read the article by clicking the title above.