(SIOUX CITY JOURNAL) The Sioux City Journal reports, "Gov. Chet Culver signed legislation today that would provide constitutional protection for future money dedicated to preserve and improve Iowa's natural resources.
During a ceremony at the Izaak Walton League in Des Moines, the governor signed Senate File 2310, a bipartisan effort that establishes a new fund to protect and enhance Iowa's water quality. It also creates a natural resources and soil conservation and watershed protection account to receive allocations from the trust fund."
Read the article by clicking the title above.
During a ceremony at the Izaak Walton League in Des Moines, the governor signed Senate File 2310, a bipartisan effort that establishes a new fund to protect and enhance Iowa's water quality. It also creates a natural resources and soil conservation and watershed protection account to receive allocations from the trust fund."
Read the article by clicking the title above.