(KEARNEY HUB) The Kearney Hub reports "Bids soon will be sought for engineering studies on a potential groundwater recharge reservoir site in the Sand Creek area of eastern Kearney County.
Tri-Basin Natural Resources District Board of Directors voted Tuesday at its meeting in Holdrege to authorize General Manager John Thorburn to seek bids for surveys and geologic studies at a site about halfway between Minden and Norman on the north side of Highway 74.
Thorburn told the Hub it was the one site of three considered that seems to have the most promise for groundwater recharge and had less opposition from area landowners.
The goal is to hold water in a small reservoir and allow seepage to recharge groundwater levels that have been declining in May and Grant townships."
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Tri-Basin Natural Resources District Board of Directors voted Tuesday at its meeting in Holdrege to authorize General Manager John Thorburn to seek bids for surveys and geologic studies at a site about halfway between Minden and Norman on the north side of Highway 74.
Thorburn told the Hub it was the one site of three considered that seems to have the most promise for groundwater recharge and had less opposition from area landowners.
The goal is to hold water in a small reservoir and allow seepage to recharge groundwater levels that have been declining in May and Grant townships."
Read the article by clicking the title above.