(OMAHA WORLD-HERALD) The Omaha World-Herald reports "Water is the word in the Legislative District 44 race in southwest Nebraska.
Incumbent State Sen. Mark Christensen and former State Sen. Tom Baker both say they want statewide as well as local solutions to the water issues that confront their corner of the state.
Each says he is the person best equipped to craft and pass those solutions.
Baker, of Trenton, represented District 44 from 1999 to 2006, when term limits took him out.
Christensen, of Imperial, was elected in 2006. Both are Republicans.
The area, which comprises more than seven counties and includes the city of McCook, relies heavily on corn and wheat farming. Growers rely heavily on irrigation. And water, whether it's in the Republican River coursing through the district or in underground aquifers, is becoming harder to come by, and its various users more contentious."
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Incumbent State Sen. Mark Christensen and former State Sen. Tom Baker both say they want statewide as well as local solutions to the water issues that confront their corner of the state.
Each says he is the person best equipped to craft and pass those solutions.
Baker, of Trenton, represented District 44 from 1999 to 2006, when term limits took him out.
Christensen, of Imperial, was elected in 2006. Both are Republicans.
The area, which comprises more than seven counties and includes the city of McCook, relies heavily on corn and wheat farming. Growers rely heavily on irrigation. And water, whether it's in the Republican River coursing through the district or in underground aquifers, is becoming harder to come by, and its various users more contentious."
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